We updated our Paso Doble routine by making it simpler without losing any of its drama and excitement. The new routine consists mostly of Bronze...
The Secret Ingredient for Longevity
On my 7km New Year’s Day walk, I listened to a Peter Attia podcast that had been recommended by my personal trainer, Cameron David. Peter...
Why confidence is the key to success in life
I’ve written about confidence before on this site. My experiences as a business person and as a dancer have taught me that when you believe...
Video Workshop: Waltz Leg and Body Timing
People tend to think Waltz is an easy dance. That’s because they are familiar with the idea of Waltz from seeing it in movies and...
Video Workshop: Waltz Turning Lock to the Right
The Turning Lock to the Right is a beautiful Waltz figure. Although it seems fairly simple, there are a lot of technical details involved to...