hey 🙂 When we first got started in our milonga journey, we felt sooooo overwhelmed by the faster rhythm. And yes, learning how to dance...
Studies show how Classical music changes the brain
I’ve posted other articles describing numerous studies proving that dancing offers many benefits to mental health and longevity. Partner dancing is about two people moving...
Video Workshop: Various entries to the Fishtail in Quickstep
The Fishtail is a popular and beautiful figure in Quickstep. It allows for a surprising number of potential entries. In this half-hour workshop, we first...
Video Workshop: Slow Foxtrot Bounce Fallaway and Curved Three Step
This beautiful figure pattern is not especially difficult and can add some additional variety to your Slow Foxtrot. In this half-hour workshop, we cover a...
How to Milonga: 3 Easy Milonga Traspie Steps
Learn 3 easy milonga traspie steps to make dancing milonga easier and less stressful, even for beginners. Learning 3 easy milonga traspie steps can improve...