I’ve knitted a new cardigan!
This is cardigan A from the book Japanese Knitting, by Michiyo, translated by Gayle Roehm. The yarn is Jansen by Mod Vera, colour 80421344, it’s a yarn made for Spotlight which is where I bought it of course. Not the most wonderful yarn in the world but I bought it anticipating the boredom of possible lockdowns during the early days of Covid. It was a bit mohair-y, by which I mean that it stuck to itself and had such a degree of fluffiness the needle had trouble getting between the stitches sometimes.
So yes, I said “new” above, but actually this is a project whose beginnings hark back to 4 long years ago… I bought the yarn in a hurry and then began quite slowly. I got the back and one front knitted then the cardigan lay undisturbed for a few years. Yes, I’m so ashamed! Anyway, progress was painfully sporadic before I picked it up again this month for May’s knitting project. I haven’t forgotten my pledge to complete a project a month! although it is going to be a more difficult task than I first thought. If I hadn’t already knitted a fair chunk of this over the last few years it’s doubtful I would have been able to finish it. As it was I was knitting like a maniac for the last week or so.
My new purple cardigan is thick and warm and I feel extremely cosy in it. It has no closure so I’m going to have to pin it closed if I don’t want it hanging open, but that’s ok. I like it open too. I realised I forgot to take a photo of the back but it’s other plain, just stocking stitch. All the interest is in those lovely, richly patterned sleeves.
I’m extremely happy to get this bulky project out of my knitting basket and into the wardrobe! This was a good ten balls worth of wool, which is a substantial reduction of the stash. It was a lot of work, but I’m so happy!!
I’m wearing it today with my Closet Core patterns Ginger jeans, and an old white tee that was an adaption of the Closet Core Nettie.
Aaaaand, apropos of nothing really, but I also have to confess that I’ve decided that I really do hate April’s project and am probably going to rework that one. Hmmm. How am I going to reduce the stash if I keep making such self-defeating decisions?!
The post purple cardigan appeared first on Handmade by Carolyn.